venerdì 13 febbraio 2009

La musa di Schroeder

Un messaggio segreto di Beethoven nelle famose strip dei Peanut?
E' ciò che sostiene April Dembosky in un recente articolo apparso sul New York Times a corredo dello speciale sulla mostra organizzata dal "Charles M. Schulz Museum" in collaborazione con  l'Ira F. Brilliant Center for Beethoven Studies della San Jose State University, qui la traduzione italiana (Repubblica).

In the world of “Peanuts,” Schroeder was the Beethoven-obsessed music nerd who pounded on his piano. But, the notes floating above his head were no random ink spots. Charles Schulz carefully chose each snatch of music he drew and transcribed the notes from the score.

That linkage is the central theme of “Schulz’s Beethoven: Schroeder’s Muse,” an exhibition at the Charles M. Schulz Museum in Santa Rosa, California; it will reopen on May 1 at the Beethoven Center in San Jose.

Foto della mostra: “Schulz’s Beethoven: Schroeder’s Muse,” an exhibition at the Charles M. Schulz Museum in Santa Rosa (California), New York Times.

Benedetta Saglietti

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