martedì 19 giugno 2012

Exploring JS Bach's Goldberg Variations: gaming & Bach.

You are cordially invited to visit "Exploring JS Bach's Goldberg Variations" at is the second phase of the Oregon Bach Festival's Digital Bach Project, which is a collaboration between Northern Arizona University, the University of Oregon, Oregon Bach Festival, Haenssler Classic SCM, and the Hinkle Charitable Foundation. Full story with photos and links here. 

This is an experiment in a browsing/gaming approach, intended to stimulate curiosity and promote exploration. It casts a wide audience, not targeted for any particular group. The object is to develop new audiences for Bach. That said, it contains interesting pedagogical material, including animation of the nine canons of BWV 988 as well as Bach's fourteen-canon addendum (BWV 1087). 
The site features complete performances on Harpsichord (Matthew Halls) and piano (David Korevaar), synchronized with a 1741 first-edition copy of the score, once owned by Bach's first biographer, Forkel. Surprise yourself and click the monogram! 
Please help get the word out, and enjoy! 

Timothy A. Smith 
Professor of Music Theory 
Northern Arizona University 

Il progetto realizzato dalla Northern Arizona University mira a far conoscere a un più ampio pubblico le Variazioni Goldberg. 

Il sito comprende l'esecuzione completa dell'opera da parte di Halls (al clavicembalo) e Korevaar (piano), in sincrono con lo spartito del 1741, un tempo appartenuto a Johann Nikolaus Forkel, primo biografo di Bach.

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