lunedì 23 novembre 2009

MIMO: Musical Instrument Museums Online

 Il Progetto MIMO (Musical Instrument Museums Online) accentra in un unico sito informazioni circa le collezioni di strumenti musicali presenti in molti musei europei. 

MIMO raggruppa i contenuti digitali di undici grandi musei (e collezioni) di strumenti musicali  sarà sviluppato nei prossimi due anni e sarà disponibile anche attraverso "Europeana"

The aim of the MIMO [ Musical Instrument Museums Onlin]  is to create a single access point to digital content and information on the collections of musical instruments held in European museums. At present, there is no central resource for anyone wishing to explore these collections online, nor is there any common standard for the online presentation of musical instruments: this project seeks to address that problem.
The MIMO project will enable the digital content of eleven major musical instrument museums from across Europe to be harvested from their collection databases and made available to all through Europeana.
For further information please see

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