giovedì 10 gennaio 2013

Call for papers: Verdi's Third Century: Italian Opera Today, NY Oct 2013

American Institute for Verdi Studies, the New York University, Casa Italiana Zerilli-Marimò and the Humanities Initiative 

9-13 October 2013 

Verdi's Third Century: Italian Opera Today, NY Oct 2013

As we approach the 200th anniversary of the birth of Giuseppe Verdi (1813-1901), interest in his operas remains undiminished. Verdi's music continues to travel around the world in live performances and  recordings, and new technologies- from the internet to high-definition simulcasts - have made opera accessible to broader audiences. The international conference Verdi's Third Century: Italian Opera Today will bring together scholars, practitioners, and critics at New York University to discuss the circulation and perception of Verdi - and of Italian opera - in today's world. A principal focus will be how Verdi's works have been interpreted, imagined, and appropriated. 

The American Institute for Verdi Studies particularly welcomes proposals exploring new modes of circulation and transmission (such as digital media and culture), emerging markets for opera, globalization, cultural transfer, marketing and promotion, anniversaries and monuments, and Italian migration and identity. 

Proposals concerning other aspects of Verdi, his works, and their reception are also welcome. We also encourage proposals that offer a broad perspective on Italian opera today, beyond (but relevant to) Verdi. 

Proposals are invited for: 

- Individual and collaborative papers (20 minutes); 250-word abstract 

- Themed paper sessions of three or four papers; 250-word abstracts plus 250-word introduction on the session 

- Round tables; 250-word introduction plus brief outline of individual contributions 
- Alternative format presentations and sessions, including (but not limited to) performances, workshops, and demonstrations (please contact the program committee: at to discuss). 

Please submit proposals in a Word document attachment to at Proposals should be accompanied by a brief professional biography (up to 150 words). Proposals and presentations should be in English.

The deadline for submissions is Sunday, February 24, 2013.  

Notification of submission outcomes will be by March 15, 2013. 

The program committee includes Suzanne Cusick (New York University), Francesco Izzo (University of Southampton and American Institute for Verdi Studies), Roberta M. Marvin (University of Iowa), Hilary Poriss 

(Northeastern University), Emilio Sala (University of Milan and Istituto Nazionale di Studi Verdiani), and Mary Ann Smart (University of California, Berkeley). 

"Verdi's Third Century" is part of "Verdi in the World" / "Verdi nel Mondo," a series of projects promoted by the American Institute for Verdi Studies at New York University and the Istituto Nazionale di Studi Verdiani in Parma to mark the composer's bicentenary. Initiatives include exhibits, lectures, seminars, and conferences. For information please contact at

mercoledì 9 gennaio 2013

Call for paper "Corpi sonori" deadline 31 gennaio

Si ricorda la prima scadenza 31 gennaio per la sottomissione degli abstract alla rivista online "Gli spazi della musica". Tutte le info.

300th Anniversary of the death of Arcangelo Corelli, International Symposium

International Symposium "Arcomelo 2013" 

Fusignano, 29 - 30 novembre 2013 

300th Anniversary of the death of Arcangelo Corelli (1653-1713) 

City of Fusignano, Grandezze & Meraviglie, Festival Musicale Estense (Emilia Romagna), Istituto Abruzzese di Storia Musicale, Royal Conservatory of The Hague (The Netherlands), and Butler School of Music, The University of Texas at Austin. 

Generations of musicians and composers have recognized and admired the exemplary character of Arcangelo Corelli's oeuvre as a model of style and form. The symposium's aim is to present the most recent investigations on the composer and to encourage innovative research emphasizing problems connected to performance practice and stylistic characteristics of Corelli's music. 

The program committee welcomes proposals for 20-minute individual papers. 

Send an abstract not exceeding 250 words with the title of the paper. In a separate file include the title along with the author's full name, e-mail address, and a short CV (max. one page). The abstract should clearly articulate the main aspects of the argument, the state of research and sources used, as well as the relevance and originality of the author's contribution. 
Both files, one with title and abstract, the other with title, name, e-mail address, and short CV should be sent electronically to arcomelo2013 AT by April 1st, 2013. 

The program committee will give preference to contributions that focus on the proposed topics. However, proposals dealing either with more general aspects of Corelli's oeuvre or with other musicians and composers of Corelli's time will also be considered.

Lodging and meal expenses for the presenters will be covered by the organization. 
For more information visit the website: 

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